Key Features
Simplicity in a Complex Business
Strategic Mortgage Loan Officer Recruiting / Broker Prospecting
Recruit “Best Fit” loan officers and real estate agent relationships. View TPO trending; target broker opportunities.
Targeted Contact Data
MLO and Real Estate Agent contact data included.
Download Reports
Clients have the option to download data using a variety of file types.
Fair Lending & CRA Compliance Reporting
Race, ethnicity, LMI%, MMCT, filters built into recruiting, real estate analytics, market analytics modules.
Data Accuracy
Patent Pending process that blends multiple data sources produces highly accurate data.
CRM Integration
Export Growth Multiplier data to CRM’s via API or upload capability.
Multi-Business Channel Solutions
Growth Multiplier data is used by distributed retail mortgage companies, banks, credit unions, and wholesale lenders.
Dynamic Filters
Expansive filtering options allow users to create custom reports.
CEO Jeff Walton Explains More About InGenius Products
CRA Lending Compliance
- Visibility on performing and non-performing markets
- Peer comparisons within your banking or lending footprint
- Production by LMI and MMCT for lenders and loan officers
- Loan disposition reporting to identify potential disparate treatment
MLO Staffing Diversity
- Identify multicultural Loan Officers
- Target Loan Officers for recruiting that serve LMI or substantial minority markets
- Meet you diverse hiring goals
LMI & Minority Lending Strategy
- Create relationships with real estate agent doing business in CRA sensitive markets
- Determine if there are gaps or opportunities in your product offering
- Review best practices within or outside of your company
Underserved Market Growth
- The multicultural markets is one of the fastest growing segments in mortgage
- Our Market Analytics Module provides in-depth analysis of underserved market opportunities in existing or new markets